“Over the course of my 40 year career, I have collaborated with few professionals who worked as hard and smart as Leah.”
— Stuart Schear, former Vice President for Marketing and Communications, American Jewish World Service
“I feel so grateful to have this wonderful language to build from. It’s been a game changer as we share our mission with more clarity and consistency. Your skills strengthen the work I and many others do every day. We’re building and growing a movement that will care for our most vulnerable, one funder and org leader at a time.”
— Rachel Sumekh, Project Executive, Together Ending Need at Jewish Funders Network
“Leah is an excellent writer and the best, most precise editor I've ever worked with.”
— Justin Jacobs, Associate Director for Storytelling, American Jewish World Service
Leah is a highly skilled writer and editor who helped me sharpen my voice in my own writing and recently created powerful new language for marketing Hadar's Pedagogy of Partnership program. The staff and I loved working with her - she was dedicated, reliable, and clear. I cannot recommend her highly enough!
— Rabbi Elie Kaunfer, President & CEO of the Hadar Institute
“AJWS has traditionally been known to have incredible marketing products and engaging stories that draw in donors and other funding partners. Much of the credit for this reputation belongs to Leah. I had the privilege of working alongside her and was always impressed with her vision and the way she managed projects, engaged with her team, and brought true passion to her work every day.”
— Brad Sugar, Chief Development Officer, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
“Leah is a natural problem-solver with an impeccable eye for detail. Strategy is her north star in every project, she’s able to honor the desires of multiple stakeholders (even contradictory ones), and she’s a stalwart advocate for streamlining work to make organizations smarter and more efficient. As a mentor, she’s deeply invested in teaching her staff to hone their craft, and she is a cheerleader for her team’s professional growth.”
— Tamar Oren, JGive